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60,000+ Success Stories

About us

#1 Herpes & STD Dating Site and Support Group since 2001

This site is designed to help people with herpes find someone in the same boat for friendship, support, dating, and love.

No need to worry about discrimination and prejudice.

No need to worry about how to disclose or pass this virus to others.

No need to worry about security because of the strong privacy settings.

You are not alone. Join and find more… 

Best Rated Unique Features

These features are the most used and good rated.


Ask and answer STD questions anonymously. STD counselor will answer these questions too.

Private album

By uploading photos to the private album, users can manage access to who can see them.


Share or view inspirational stories to inspire others or seek helpful information.


Interesting and instant way to browse profiles quickly. Pass it or like it. You decide.

Success Stories(60,000+)

He and I chatted for a month before we finally decided to meet. It’s magic to chat with the guy face to face whom I knew and am interested in online. We knew that we were the right person at first sight.

Thanks PS! I’m so excited to find her. She is so amazing. I can’t imagine how wonderful living with her. We are engaged and planning the wedding.

Thank you, PS! You bring people like us together. I ain’t afraid of starting again. I met a lot of friends on this site. They are friendly and funny. It makes my life happier.

Latest herpes blog

is genital herpes a deal breaker
When it comes to relationships, we all have our own deal breakers—those little things we know we just can’t accept. For some, it’s smoking. For others, it’s a different taste in music. But what about something like genital herpes? Is it fair to see this common […]
herpes singles
Dating can be an exciting experience for anyone. But if you’re a single person living with herpes, it might be challenging. The stigma associated with sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can make building new romantic relationships complicated. However, herpes is a common condition. Having HSV doesn’t define […]
herpes dating apps
Dating with herpes often comes with unique hurdles and concerns. Fortunately, herpes dating apps have been created as a supportive and inclusive solution. They have been helping herpes people connect with others who share similar experiences and understandings. Why herpes dating apps are chosen by more […]